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Planning Application

In May 2022 RES submitted a planning application for a 49.9MW energy storage project on land off Drum Farm, near Keith in Moray.

Electronic copies of the planning application and accompanying documents can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the links below.

Reasons to Support the Drum Farm Energy Storage Proposal

Energy storage helps support National Grid by storing energy at times when generation exceeds demand and releasing electricity back to the national grid network when demand exceeds generation, thus creating a more stable and secure electricity system.

Renewable energy technologies are needed to replace electricity generation from fossil fuels, however, they generate electricity intermittently depending on weather conditions, which can cause imbalances in the electricity network. Increasing the installed capacity of energy storage is essential to enabling and accelerating the rollout of zero carbon energy to support the UK’s net-zero emissions target.

The proposed planting of native trees, hedgerows and wildflower grass areas, will not only reduce potential visibility of the scheme but also help to enhance biodiversity by providing wildlife corridors and vital resources for mammals, birds, and insect species. An attenuation basin, as well as allowing safe and contained storage for excess rain and storm water, could deliver significant opportunities for further biodiversity net gain.

If, having read the above, you would like to support the Drum Farm proposal, you can do so by submitting a representation in a number of ways:

1. Online: via the Planning Online website

2. Email: by emailing Moray Council at comments.planning@moray.gov.uk

3. Post: in writing to the Development Management and Building Standards Manager, Environmental Services, The Moray Council, High Street, Elgin, IV30 1BX

The planning reference is 22/00715/APP and should be included in all correspondence.